MONOPOLYBOARDPUBCRAWL, Monopoly Pub Crawl London, Pub Crawl London


Welcome to - now updated for 2023!


Visit our facebook group to find out about our next crawl.


Hi, I'm Karl. In 2007 a group of friends and I were looking for a challenge. We wanted to do something different, something fun, something that took a bit of effort and something that not everyone has done before. After a few 'brainstorming' sessions in the pub we came upon the Monopoly Board Pub Crawl. It ticked all the boxes and would be something of an achievement once completed. I looked online for some info and found a few websites with some details of the route and off we went. We completed it on our first, very wobbly, attempt although we learned on the way that some of the information was out of date. After five successful crawls I decided to make my own website bringing the information needed together and keeping it up to date. I would also allow for people to be able to communicate any changes or suggestions to the route as well as advertise their own crawls. And so we are here.

The Monopoly Board Pub Crawl is primarily based in London but can be translated across the different cities of the world that have their own board. The London Monopoly is the main focus of this website but feel free to let us know about your crawls in other cities. Who knows, it may end up making it onto the website!!

For more details of the locations, route and info check out the links at the top of the page.

1 day. 26 Pubs. Can you complete the challenge? Take a chance....

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The effects of alcohol can be dangerous. Please make sure you stay within your limits as the most important thing is that crawlers enjoy themselves safely. will not be held responsible for accidents or injuries resulting from the consumption of alcohol. It is advisable to crawl in groups and watch out for each other. This information is provided as information only. If you have a problem with drinking please visit WWW.DRINKAWARE.CO.UK